This blog is for the use of the Roselle Catholic Honors Religion II class.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Reincarnation: Does it happen?
Hindus believe in reincarnation, have you ever considered it might actually happen? Would you like to be reincarnated based on your behavior in this life? Share your thoughts!
I don't believe in the Hindu version of reincarnation. But when i was little and went to CCD, my teacher told me that she thought that pergatory is being reincarnated. She said when you are put into purgatory you relive lives untill you live well enough to make it to Heaven. I thought this was an interesting point. If reincarnation does occur I think that all people should be treated equally and they should not have mean names like "the untouchables." God created everyone equal for a reason and that is the way they should be treated.
I Do not think reincarnation exist because we are not able to remember any of it. If the point of reincarnation is to better your self until you are worthy to go into heaven then i think we would have some type of recollection of our past lives to learn from our prior mistakes and not to make those mistakes again. If there was reincarnation we would have a lot of perfect people because they would know the right thing to do in every situation.
I don't believe in reincarnation. There is no real proof in reincarnation. I don't always need proof to believe in something but for this case i do. I find reincarnation a bit creepy. But my life is good and if reincarnation is real I wouldn't mind being reicarnated based on my life now. But for the poor I don't believe they are poor because they were bad in their past life. I believe that God does not punish people for their mistakes or bad choices. As long as they are ready to be forgiven and are truly sorry then God will forgive them for what they have done wrong.
I once read this book, called Elsewhere and it made me think a lot about the after life and what happens. In the book, basically the girl goes to a place, not known as Heaven or Hell, but a regular place where she would have to work and be a regular teenager. The only catch was that with each passing year, she would be getting younger to be released again into the earth as a baby, in a weird sense reincarnation. I don't know what I believe when in considering after death, because I try not to think about it and just my life. But we all know one day we're going to have to leave earth and when we do I'll be prepared for the journey, whether that's going to place called Heaven or wherever, because I think everyone now is living in purgatory, having a higher being judging our every move. Either way, if we were to be reincarnated or just live in a land of dreams, I'm still going to do what I'm doing know and that's living.
I believe in reincarnation because everyone deserves a second chance depending on their mistake and if the point of reincarnation is to allow someone to better themselves in this life because of something bad they did in their past life then everyone deserves that second chance. Although we cannot recall the certain mistake we made in our past life i believe we are still challenged in the same situation regarding the mistake.
I never really thought about reincarnation, at least not seriously. However, I think that reincarnation could be possible. Not because we are supposed to continuously improve ourselves until we are "worthy" enough, though. I believe reincarnation is possible simply because we all have a spirit and I think that once this spirit leaves a physical being, it can re-enter to another.
I DON'T believe that we should treat any poor or unsuccessful people differently, however. I feel that every human live is an important existence and is completely separate from any other past physical life. What remains the same, however, is the very spirit that attempts to seek answers and connect to a spiritual realm. Being poor isn't a punishment from the spiritual realm; being poor is determined by physical existence and logic, entirely separate from the spiritual realm. The one thing that connects the physical realm to the spiritual, is our soul, which I believe can possibly re-unite to another physical being.
Naquan, I get what you're saying, but the reason we can't remember our past lives is because memory is a physical aspect, and one physical being can't pierce through to another realm without the assistance of our inner soul. There wouldn't be perfect people on Earth because there is an inevitable struggle in the physical realm to try and figure out the right thing to do. The only way to reach these moral answers is through our soul, which isn't the easiest thing to do and is what everyone is always attempting to reach. This is why, occasionally, we might get a small glimpse of guidance to help us do the right thing. The less connected you are to physical Earth, the closer you are to spiritual guidance. Ultimately, our souls are all connected and generally share similar common moral values.
I really don't think "Wow, it would be so cool to get reincarnated." The reason is because I wouldn't really know it. Like, we all could have been reincarnated for all of history, yet we don't physically know it. The best thing to do is fortify your connection to your inner soul; know your morals. Because, if reincarnation is possible, then your next live will be an even greater live where you are wiser to make the right decisions, which hopefully you will be respected for. Who knows, maybe you'll be studying about your own self in history or religion and think "Wow, my ideals and morals are exactly like this person's!" :P
Hindus believe in reincarnation and thus anticipate a long series of lifetimes, so they can afford to be patient regarding the goal of liberation. According to the doctrine of samsara, or the “wheel of rebirth,” an individual is reincarnated from one life form to another. Reincarnation occurs on a vast number of levels of existence, including the various life forms on this earth. Death is not so final for Hindus; in fact, death is likely to be experienced over and over again. I’m not a Hindu, but sometimes I do believe reincarnation is true. I have some doubts because there is no real proof to it just as Victoria mentioned. It is said that people are reincarnated based on your behavior in your previous life. This is an interesting thought, but I don’t believe that people who caused evil in their previous life will be reincarnated to those who live in poverty and thus deserve punishment. If reincarnation is the “wheel of rebirth,” can’t an immoral person try to make up their sins in their current life so they won’t be condemned in the next? I have so many doubts and questions about this subject. This is why I do not fully believe in reincarnation.
Dang. good job Steven N. took the words right out of my mouth! xD
To be honest I feel that reincarnation is a mystical concept in and of itself. For one, the thought that someone could have their spirit live on is a very interesting concept. It would mean that the body is simply a vessel that is used by the Soul, and once the body had served its purpose it would die, but the spirit would live on. However, this raises a whole new realm of questions; one example that I can think of off the top of my head is: "If the body is simply a vessel of the soul, then what does the soul wish to accomplish on the human plane?"
This question bothered me ever since I read the chapter on Hinduism. Why would this bother me? Because although I think that Hinduism is a very logical and rational religion, some of the concepts in the religion itself are questionable at best. One concept I find questionable is also the blog topic for tonight, Reincarnation.
I've always felt that Reincarnation was a very complicated concept. A human being reincarnated into a cow? I mean c'mon, how crazy can religions get? However, after reading this chapter I've learned that it isn't much of a difficult concept to learn at all. In fact, it makes more sense than a lot of other religions I've read about. I actually think that it could be possible. Some people like NaQuan might ask "if we've had past lives then why can't we remember them?" And Steven essentially answered that question. Memories are human manifestations of past events; therefore, we can't expect (as humans) to be able to recall events the soul experienced. A simple way to explain it is this: souls are intangible, so too are the memories they hold.
The reason I say that souls are able to have memories is because of the concept of Karma. Karma can essentially be summarized by a simple phrase: you get what you deserve. If you were bad in a previous life, you would either be reborn impoverished, or you would be reborn as an animal; such as a cow, or a fly. However, if you were good in your previous life you would be rewarded by being reborn into wealth.
This concept of reincarnation and karma are very logical to me, or better said, I would like to believe they are logical; however, looking at the concept from a scientific point of view, I come to the same conclusion as Steven. Whether you are born into a wealthy or impoverished family is not determined by a previous life, it is determined by the environment or society you were born into.
The only reason I said that reincarnation is very logical and believable is because of the fact that I try to find a solution to everything; and this concept of karma (you get what you deserve) would explain almost all the evil in this world (i.e poverty, starvation, illness.) I refuse to believe that God created this evil himself, because I've been taught to believe that God is the embodiment of all the good in the universe.
Overall i think that Hinduism is a pretty great religion, the concept of Maya excites me. Just the thought that our sense of individuality is a lie is very interesting. Well that's all I have to say for today :] goodnight!
To me, incarnation never happens and I don't want to believe that it does. How can it be fair to a person if they are born into a life of poverty if they did negative actions in their earlier life. No one ever thinks that an animal might have been a person in its life before because it just isn't natural. I believe a person only has one life to live and whatever action he or she does in that time span should not come back to harm a new generation's life.
-I don't actually believe that reincarnation happens. I believe you live one life and you live it to the fullest. I don't think you get another chance to either succeed or to be punished. I also don't that a god or goddess would want to punish someone in another time why not just punish them then and there? I absolutely would not like to be reincarnated based on the Hindus belief that if you do bad in one life you will be an untouchable in the next. I would definitely be an untouchable in my next life. I make many mistakes and do many wrong things that I don't ask for forgiveness for so, not i would not want to be reincarnated.
I personally think reincarnation is an awesome thought. If many people believed in reincarnation I think the world would be a better place. The only problem I have with reincarnation is the idea of "untouchables". I think if someone believes in reincarnation it should encourage them to help the untouchables because it would be a great act of kindness. I don't think that people should be worried about catching someone's bad karma through contact. However this is what their religion taught them to do so I have to respect them for following their rules so closely. There have been a couple times when I wondered if reincarnation actually existed. Reincarnation is easier to grasp as a child as opposed to "Heaven" a place that you can't see or feel and nobody has ever been there and back to tell a story of it. I'm still not sure what I think the "afterlife" will be like.
I agree with what you said, Steven. Hinduism is a really intriguing religion. Asia and Mike, I also agree with you guys. I don't believe that one's previous physical life should alter another entirely different human live. I think the reason some Hindus may believe this is because if the soul remains the same, then the same evil must be present. However, I think the evil is due to humanity's imperfection. Let's not try and blame all our problems on spiritual punishment. It all comes down to what your definition of reincarnation really is, because we are all connected spiritually and essentially contain the same guidance from sources beyond our explanation. Therefore, technically, if you have a soul (which hopefully you do -.-), you have been reincarnated.
I do not beleive reincarnation occurs. In fact, I do not beleive any type of spiritual release after death occurs.
Our brains our like computers. They developed from a sting of chemical reactions at our birth and grew accordingly based on our genetic data. Like a computer, it is a complex system of programs and functions that are set to respond and adapt to certan reactions. They process all our thoughts and relay them to our body through electic signals from our nerves. Just as like a computer divides its energy to keep itself from overheating, our brain sets limits on our bodies to keep us from exerting our full potential and hurting ourselves. Our brain is even has its own hard drive, in terms of speeking, that records and stores hundreds of years worth of memories.
The whole point to that that brain/ computer analogy is to show that we humans are just a system. If a computer is shut down or breaks, its done. Is memory is lost forever and it never functions again. Its basically like Steven Nunes said, when our body diteriorates, so does every memory stored in our brain. I beleive he's absolutely right when he says our memories our gone even if we are reincarnated. But I still shove aside any possible idea or theory that a form of spirtual force exists that allows us to experience new lives, or an life after the present.
While Steven P tries to connect the term of Kharma in this arguement. Kharma is very similar to another scientific term, action and reaction. Every motion has creates a motion that coresponds to that action. Karma is, I beleive, half right. While if you do something bad, most of the times something bad would happen to you( ex. Jail ), but there are many exception where people got away completely unharmed. There are also those who do good, and still suffer painfully. The point I'm making is that even karma can't determine everything. Which makes you consider that it might not determine any sort of afterlife.
So in the end, I'm still going back original concept, dead is dead. No cycle or ways of returning and crossing over.
Well, that's all for now. Lost is on, so I'm out for tonight. =D
For once, I agree with Steven P and Steven N. I also agree with Gene. I'm not in the "writing mood" so whatever I say might be invalid. Just saying.
Reincarnation is a highly skeptical topic. Truth is, it is all based on faith. Religion = Faith. But anyway; I have no idea on how to answer the first question. I'm just thinking that reincarnation looks like it was made up in a fairy tale. That was harsh but it's all in my opinion. It is hard to believe that if you die, you could be reincarnated into a giraffe, or a monkey, or a penguin (which wouldn't be bad...)Maybe I'm just being immature and ignorant.
Would I like to be reincarnated based on my behavior in this life? Well, of course! It's only fair. I think everyone in this blog posted something with Karma, so why bother restating it, but if it's for a grade, like what Steven said, Karma - you get what you deserve. If someone was "bad" in their past life, I think they would be reincarnated into something worthless, like a a fly, or a penny ;) Karma, I think, makes sense in a way. What if someone is born in to a life of poverty, or if someone was born handicapped? They should deserve a life without those "things" and live the life that other people had. I mean, it is only fair.
Although I wish to make this blog response longer, my dinner is getting cold. Reincarnation seems like a cool idea, but, I don't think it is for me. As much as I want to believe in, I don't know, it just gives people a positive outcome when you die, almost something to look forward too.
Mhm. well i pretty much agree with everyone that posted. Justin when you said "It is hard to believe that if you die, you could be reincarnated into a giraffe, or a monkey, or a penguin (which wouldn't be bad...)" It reminded me of a question I had.
Ok, so karma is you get what you deserve. right? but say a human was reincarnated into an animal, animals have killer instincts that they can't control (because survival is prime priority.) so if say, a monkey kills another monkey for food. Would that be considered a bad thing? Or if a monkey shares a banana, would it hold the same amount of meaning if a human shared a banana?
This is the way I think of it
Karma scale: Human shares his/her only banana: +10 points Monkey shares his/her only banana: +5 points
Human kills other human for food: -10 points Monkey kills other monkey for food: -5 points
I dunno, maybe that's being immature, because they're the same action only they're performed by different species of animals. The way I think of it, humans are taught that doing something is morally wrong or right. So we (humans) have the background and an action would be more significant if we made the decision based on the morals and principles the person holds. A monkey on the other hand, was not taught morality and does not have any principles, so their deeds (in my opinion) mean much less than a humans.
Is this the way other people think about karma or is it just me?
I actually agree with you on that Steve. I love the whole points system! I don't think I'm being scientifically accurate, but aren't human minds, more advanced than any other specimens on the planet? And animals depend on instinct, like you said, they fight for survival. Humans on the other hand, are taught a more "sophisticated and just" manner.
But about the karma/reincarnation; I don't get how a human can be reincarnated into an animal. Like, that's saying, if you were born short, and you die, do you turn into a giraffe? It just seems odd.
well i think that turning into an animal thing just applies to the bad people in the world :3 but if they bad people are turned into animals then how are they supposed to return to being human if their actions don't have too much impact?!
Hahaha exactly! It's more confusing than anything else really. And the last time I checked Steve, animals never return back into being human. Maybe I just misunderstood what you said. Please elaborate.
I mean that when a bad person dies and they are reincarnated into, say, a donkey, are they able to return to being human (after they die again, of course)? If so, how, because in my eyes the behavior of animals isn't based on morals, but on survival and paternal (hunting for children) instinct; so the deeds they do don't earn them points in karma. But in reality that isn't for me to decide, is it? :]
Now I got it. Well, I think animals are judged just like humans, in ways of behaviors of course. I know like a donkey, isn't exactly a good thing to be, but like here:
Good Life --> Bad life (animal perhaps?) --> Good Life.
Bad Life --> Good life --> bad life.
That is what I think, because I think in you're "second life", you get judged on how you were treated. Like if you were treated bad in your second life, then your next life will be filled with rainbows. Get me?
I was actually thinking the same thing. kinda. cuz when you're blessed by wealth you tend to abuse that wealth and become selfish and shun the rest of society away from you.... which is baaaaad karma. sooo your next life will probably be bad. but that life will learn that through poverty some of the greatest joys in life are found, like you rely on your family more and you realize that family is very important. And if you do become successful in that impoverished life you know what it is like to be poor so you'll probably help out other poor people
basically what you said Justin. I thought I was alone in thinking that xD
Nice ideas, guys. First of all, let me respond to Lucas. "But I still shove aside any possible idea or theory that a form of spirtual force exists that allows us to experience new lives, or an life after the present."
We don't experience a new life. I agree that we only have one life. I, Steven Nunes, the physical human being, will eventually die. However, my soul is part of, what I believe, is a realm beyond our understanding and therefore has potential to take on different lives. This is, of course, extremely debatable. I agree with everything you said, Lucas. The human body is in fact a complex system. However, my thought expands further than what you acknowledge. As I said earlier, it just depends on how you define reincarnation. I like your analogy of comparing humans to a computer. However, you didn't exactly mention how computers are made, you just simply mentioned the good things that a computer can do and how it works. I also can mention the good things a HUMAN can do and how it works. However, what about the programming involved in a computer? What about the essence behind the creation of computing? Who is our programmer? That is where I believe there is an answer which can't fully be grasped. This is where spiritual existence falls into place. Therefore, A computer can be repaired with the assistance of a higher being, beyond the virtual boundaries of its intelligence. This same system applies, in my opinion, to a human.
Justin, yea I totally understand what you're trying to say. This whole karma thing is really human-friendly, so to speak. It makes people aim towards good in society. There isn't much to say about it, really. It's a basic system that helps keep order generally speaking.
Steven, karma, in my opinion, can't be analyzed with human math, although it is a nice way of putting it for people to understand. I don't have any recollections of being a monkey, so I can't really answer that question. I would assume all animals deserve some level of respect similar to that of human. What evens it out is the level of intelligence. The higher your authority on Earth is, the more intelligent you are. Humans have a high level of authority and intelligence whereas flies have less authority, therefore less intelligence. Even humans, however, can't fully relate to a spiritual realm. It's an ongoing cycle of spiritual development, even past our physical human lives.
yea. actually steven i had a whole section on the whole idea of "Brahman" that i decided to cut from the post because it didn't really relate to the question. But it actually relates to what you're saying on the "ongoing cycle of spiritual development"
Reincarnation is a fascinating subject, and I honestly dont believe it happens but i do think it would be cool. I personally do not believe in karma but the whole idea of how you acted, and what you did in your past life affects you in your future life is really awesome. It seems that if you were a good person that you get what you deserve in the future. I would like to believe in reincarnation but there is absolutely no proof that this happens, and i am the kind of person who needs proof. However this is not anything that shows it does not happen, so there is still some hope haha.
Yeah, I also agree with the idea that God goes by many different physical names and "masks" yet it all is the same. Everyone is striving to find out this outer realm, and each religion is essentially doing the same thing. That is, searching for answers and connecting to their souls. Is it really too hard to realize that we're all referring to the same being, just using different human explanations to try and understand this.
Based on my religious beliefs, I am inclined to believe that reincarnation is not in any way real or possible. However, I do think that the idea of reincarnation is an interesting thought. If everyone believed that the setting of our next life is based on the way that we live at this point in time, there would not be as much sin going on in the world. People would be trying to live a much more wholesome life in hopes that it will set the stage for an even better life in the future. If I was reincarnated based on my life, I wouldn’t be upset since I know that I try my best to live a positive life.
Alright Great Nunes the Philosopher, its time for my response.
You are right about that one life thing. But I think thats the end. I don't think any form of divine essence exists between us. You are very right about how computers require programing and design by something else. I expect none the less from a great progamer like you. I would like to state that I meant to compare humans and computers in terms of function, rather then composition. I mean to say that they work the same way and are vry comparable. Our "programmer" is probability. We are the one in a billion- no, one in a google chance of random particle collisions that we able to bond with each other with a higher compatibility to connect. The particles became atoms, those atoms collided into molecules, those molecules collided into cells, which joined together into tissue, which became organs, which then functioned as systems. The brain is the most powerful and most complex of these systems. These collisions occured over countless billions of years. This is what pyshicists have determined and interperted over countless tests. Matter was always in existance and had just rearranged itself into different forms. If you are going to say "where did all this matter come from?" or something along those terms that relates to some divine spiritual pressence. Then let me say this. Where did this divine force come from? If you are to say that it has existed for countless time, then why couldn't matter have always been constant. If god(what I will be refering the divine force as) is always present or came from itself, what's to say that matter doesn't without any need for creation. It came into its own existance. I still say that there is no spiritual influence in the universe at all.
My definition of the spiritual realm, at the very, very basic essence, is the realm beyond human explanation. You stated: why can't matter have created itself? I agree this is possible, but how did it create itself? You can use fancy human vocabulary and explain how humans analyze a certain physical thing, but what I'm trying to do is look beyond that and understand that there's a level of imperfection in humanity that is indescribable and therefore we, as human "systems" cannot entirely reach. We look for perfection, or at least some source of guidance. Now, surely humans will continue to look for answers using science and math and all other human methods of solving stuff regarding physical matter. Does this mean that there is less and less of a spiritual existence the more advanced humanity gets? No, because we are complex functions, as you stated, and analyze things in our own ways. There is some basic programming behind all this though. I can program a function to analyze and check for certain data, similar to how humans analyze data that they encounter. I understand how human, physical life works. Plenty of information that is continuously being expanded. However, what is our origin. All I can say, in literal words, is that I'm not exactly given the data of who i am, yet I am given enough data to search for it. Therefore, all human processes you describe to me are true, and you know your science well, yet I'm trying to discuss something beyond that level of understanding.
Lucas, I agree with you on one condition. You make it seem as though there is no religion at all and everything happened to connect "at the right place and time." If you interpret all events with that mindset then you explain everything with "coincidence." There isn't any sort of barrier separating Coincidence and Will of God, the scientist might say "that was just coincidence, everything just connected, like building blocks" while a Prophet would say "Make no mistake, that was the Will of God, it was an elaborate plan conceived by God himself in the beginning of time that all this would happen."
In all honesty I prefer your side, Lucas, but you must also acknowledge the possibility of the existence of a God.
"It will only appear as a miracle to the witness with faith." -Jesus
Good point, Steven. We all have our opinions, which is just an example of humans striving for answers. I can't try and explain what my soul says to you, because I can only relate to the my own life. Therefore, we're all going to look at life a different way and Lucas' way is through human existence and attainable information. My way is simply to try and understand beyond my understanding, while still understanding human knowledge and development. A fact is merely an opinion all humans agree on and it all comes down to the understanding that you can't explain the inexplicable.
I feel you are belittling the human mind. Humanity's evolutionary capabilities are endless! I believe as we progress our ability to observe information can unravel the very secrets of the universe themselves! Uour right, we will never reach perfection, because perfection is something that does not exist. Being perfect means there is no way to better yourself; I feel that humans cam evolve to an endless capabilties that, always bettering their interpritation of knowledge with each step. You say that this spirtual realm is something beyond human comprehension, but I beleive that we can continue to advance ourselves to the point where the very nature of the universe is under our comprehension. And this is the end of our arguement. These are the values that each of us have set in stone for ourselves. Only time will tell the victor of this depate. Until the time comes, let us wait and speculate until death comes upon us. See you at school tommorrow. :P
Steven P, you are right. I am without faith. The odds for probability seem more plausible to me then any "will of a creator." I have taken into consideration the possibility of a divine force. But when face against the facts, I began to naturally rule it out that variable in this equation we call existance.
yea good point lucas. i agree with that xD computers were invented about 40 years ago. and we've come a looooong way with them. we've even landed a man on the moon! in 4 decades we've progressed farther than we have in 2 milleniums. pretty impressive stuff.
i honestly do not know if i believe in reincarnation or not. I think it is actually very logical to believe in reincarnation because it answers some of those questions of how or why. Maybe psychics are reincarnated and somehow the remember something from their past or people who claim to see ghosts have some memory of what happened to the time before they are reincarnated. I believe the modern world has forced us to put everything in a scientific perspective and causes most people not to believe but maybe its all true and people are reincarnated.
Even though i do not know if i believe in reincarnation, i do not agree with some of the punishments reincarnation has. I do not think that a poor person is poor because he was a bad person and that he should not be helped.
-finally I can get on!!! sorry for gramatical errors(:
-I honestly, do not believe in the process of reincarnation. don't get me wrong, reincarnation would be really cool, to come back as someone new. As Caitlin said, many people claim that purgatory is when you are reincarnated into a new human being to finish what you started. But if you really look at it, your soul; whether it goes to heaven, hell, or purgatory is a single soul. At the judgement day, you are judged before God. are you really going to be judged for two lives?? Stevens-- I really like your answers; it made me thinkk
I don't believe in the Hindu version of reincarnation. But when i was little and went to CCD, my teacher told me that she thought that pergatory is being reincarnated. She said when you are put into purgatory you relive lives untill you live well enough to make it to Heaven. I thought this was an interesting point. If reincarnation does occur I think that all people should be treated equally and they should not have mean names like "the untouchables." God created everyone equal for a reason and that is the way they should be treated.
ReplyDeleteI Do not think reincarnation exist because we are not able to remember any of it. If the point of reincarnation is to better your self until you are worthy to go into heaven then i think we would have some type of recollection of our past lives to learn from our prior mistakes and not to make those mistakes again. If there was reincarnation we would have a lot of perfect people because they would know the right thing to do in every situation.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in reincarnation. There is no real proof in reincarnation. I don't always need proof to believe in something but for this case i do. I find reincarnation a bit creepy. But my life is good and if reincarnation is real I wouldn't mind being reicarnated based on my life now. But for the poor I don't believe they are poor because they were bad in their past life. I believe that God does not punish people for their mistakes or bad choices. As long as they are ready to be forgiven and are truly sorry then God will forgive them for what they have done wrong.
ReplyDeleteI once read this book, called Elsewhere and it made me think a lot about the after life and what happens. In the book, basically the girl goes to a place, not known as Heaven or Hell, but a regular place where she would have to work and be a regular teenager. The only catch was that with each passing year, she would be getting younger to be released again into the earth as a baby, in a weird sense reincarnation. I don't know what I believe when in considering after death, because I try not to think about it and just my life. But we all know one day we're going to have to leave earth and when we do I'll be prepared for the journey, whether that's going to place called Heaven or wherever, because I think everyone now is living in purgatory, having a higher being judging our every move. Either way, if we were to be reincarnated or just live in a land of dreams, I'm still going to do what I'm doing know and that's living.
ReplyDeleteI believe in reincarnation because everyone deserves a second chance depending on their mistake and if the point of reincarnation is to allow someone to better themselves in this life because of something bad they did in their past life then everyone deserves that second chance. Although we cannot recall the certain mistake we made in our past life i believe we are still challenged in the same situation regarding the mistake.
ReplyDeleteI never really thought about reincarnation, at least not seriously. However, I think that reincarnation could be possible. Not because we are supposed to continuously improve ourselves until we are "worthy" enough, though. I believe reincarnation is possible simply because we all have a spirit and I think that once this spirit leaves a physical being, it can re-enter to another.
ReplyDeleteI DON'T believe that we should treat any poor or unsuccessful people differently, however. I feel that every human live is an important existence and is completely separate from any other past physical life. What remains the same, however, is the very spirit that attempts to seek answers and connect to a spiritual realm. Being poor isn't a punishment from the spiritual realm; being poor is determined by physical existence and logic, entirely separate from the spiritual realm. The one thing that connects the physical realm to the spiritual, is our soul, which I believe can possibly re-unite to another physical being.
Naquan, I get what you're saying, but the reason we can't remember our past lives is because memory is a physical aspect, and one physical being can't pierce through to another realm without the assistance of our inner soul. There wouldn't be perfect people on Earth because there is an inevitable struggle in the physical realm to try and figure out the right thing to do. The only way to reach these moral answers is through our soul, which isn't the easiest thing to do and is what everyone is always attempting to reach. This is why, occasionally, we might get a small glimpse of guidance to help us do the right thing. The less connected you are to physical Earth, the closer you are to spiritual guidance. Ultimately, our souls are all connected and generally share similar common moral values.
I really don't think "Wow, it would be so cool to get reincarnated." The reason is because I wouldn't really know it. Like, we all could have been reincarnated for all of history, yet we don't physically know it. The best thing to do is fortify your connection to your inner soul; know your morals. Because, if reincarnation is possible, then your next live will be an even greater live where you are wiser to make the right decisions, which hopefully you will be respected for. Who knows, maybe you'll be studying about your own self in history or religion and think "Wow, my ideals and morals are exactly like this person's!" :P
Hindus believe in reincarnation and thus anticipate a long series of lifetimes, so they can afford to be patient regarding the goal of liberation. According to the doctrine of samsara, or the “wheel of rebirth,” an individual is reincarnated from one life form to another. Reincarnation occurs on a vast number of levels of existence, including the various life forms on this earth. Death is not so final for Hindus; in fact, death is likely to be experienced over and over again. I’m not a Hindu, but sometimes I do believe reincarnation is true. I have some doubts because there is no real proof to it just as Victoria mentioned. It is said that people are reincarnated based on your behavior in your previous life. This is an interesting thought, but I don’t believe that people who caused evil in their previous life will be reincarnated to those who live in poverty and thus deserve punishment. If reincarnation is the “wheel of rebirth,” can’t an immoral person try to make up their sins in their current life so they won’t be condemned in the next? I have so many doubts and questions about this subject. This is why I do not fully believe in reincarnation.
ReplyDeleteDang. good job Steven N. took the words right out of my mouth! xD
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I feel that reincarnation is a mystical concept in and of itself. For one, the thought that someone could have their spirit live on is a very interesting concept. It would mean that the body is simply a vessel that is used by the Soul, and once the body had served its purpose it would die, but the spirit would live on. However, this raises a whole new realm of questions; one example that I can think of off the top of my head is: "If the body is simply a vessel of the soul, then what does the soul wish to accomplish on the human plane?"
This question bothered me ever since I read the chapter on Hinduism. Why would this bother me? Because although I think that Hinduism is a very logical and rational religion, some of the concepts in the religion itself are questionable at best. One concept I find questionable is also the blog topic for tonight, Reincarnation.
I've always felt that Reincarnation was a very complicated concept. A human being reincarnated into a cow? I mean c'mon, how crazy can religions get? However, after reading this chapter I've learned that it isn't much of a difficult concept to learn at all. In fact, it makes more sense than a lot of other religions I've read about. I actually think that it could be possible. Some people like NaQuan might ask "if we've had past lives then why can't we remember them?" And Steven essentially answered that question. Memories are human manifestations of past events; therefore, we can't expect (as humans) to be able to recall events the soul experienced. A simple way to explain it is this: souls are intangible, so too are the memories they hold.
The reason I say that souls are able to have memories is because of the concept of Karma. Karma can essentially be summarized by a simple phrase: you get what you deserve. If you were bad in a previous life, you would either be reborn impoverished, or you would be reborn as an animal; such as a cow, or a fly. However, if you were good in your previous life you would be rewarded by being reborn into wealth.
This concept of reincarnation and karma are very logical to me, or better said, I would like to believe they are logical; however, looking at the concept from a scientific point of view, I come to the same conclusion as Steven. Whether you are born into a wealthy or impoverished family is not determined by a previous life, it is determined by the environment or society you were born into.
The only reason I said that reincarnation is very logical and believable is because of the fact that I try to find a solution to everything; and this concept of karma (you get what you deserve) would explain almost all the evil in this world (i.e poverty, starvation, illness.) I refuse to believe that God created this evil himself, because I've been taught to believe that God is the embodiment of all the good in the universe.
Overall i think that Hinduism is a pretty great religion, the concept of Maya excites me. Just the thought that our sense of individuality is a lie is very interesting. Well that's all I have to say for today :] goodnight!
To me, incarnation never happens and I don't want to believe that it does. How can it be fair to a person if they are born into a life of poverty if they did negative actions in their earlier life. No one ever thinks that an animal might have been a person in its life before because it just isn't natural. I believe a person only has one life to live and whatever action he or she does in that time span should not come back to harm a new generation's life.
ReplyDelete-I don't actually believe that reincarnation happens. I believe you live one life and you live it to the fullest. I don't think you get another chance to either succeed or to be punished. I also don't that a god or goddess would want to punish someone in another time why not just punish them then and there? I absolutely would not like to be reincarnated based on the Hindus belief that if you do bad in one life you will be an untouchable in the next. I would definitely be an untouchable in my next life. I make many mistakes and do many wrong things that I don't ask for forgiveness for so, not i would not want to be reincarnated.
ReplyDeleteI personally think reincarnation is an awesome thought. If many people believed in reincarnation I think the world would be a better place. The only problem I have with reincarnation is the idea of "untouchables". I think if someone believes in reincarnation it should encourage them to help the untouchables because it would be a great act of kindness. I don't think that people should be worried about catching someone's bad karma through contact. However this is what their religion taught them to do so I have to respect them for following their rules so closely. There have been a couple times when I wondered if reincarnation actually existed. Reincarnation is easier to grasp as a child as opposed to "Heaven" a place that you can't see or feel and nobody has ever been there and back to tell a story of it. I'm still not sure what I think the "afterlife" will be like.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you said, Steven. Hinduism is a really intriguing religion. Asia and Mike, I also agree with you guys. I don't believe that one's previous physical life should alter another entirely different human live. I think the reason some Hindus may believe this is because if the soul remains the same, then the same evil must be present. However, I think the evil is due to humanity's imperfection. Let's not try and blame all our problems on spiritual punishment. It all comes down to what your definition of reincarnation really is, because we are all connected spiritually and essentially contain the same guidance from sources beyond our explanation. Therefore, technically, if you have a soul (which hopefully you do -.-), you have been reincarnated.
ReplyDeleteI do not beleive reincarnation occurs. In fact, I do not beleive any type of spiritual release after death occurs.
ReplyDeleteOur brains our like computers. They developed from a sting of chemical reactions at our birth and grew accordingly based on our genetic data. Like a computer, it is a complex system of programs and functions that are set to respond and adapt to certan reactions. They process all our thoughts and relay them to our body through electic signals from our nerves. Just as like a computer divides its energy to keep itself from overheating, our brain sets limits on our bodies to keep us from exerting our full potential and hurting ourselves. Our brain is even has its own hard drive, in terms of speeking, that records and stores hundreds of years worth of memories.
The whole point to that that brain/ computer analogy is to show that we humans are just a system. If a computer is shut down or breaks, its done. Is memory is lost forever and it never functions again. Its basically like Steven Nunes said, when our body diteriorates, so does every memory stored in our brain. I beleive he's absolutely right when he says our memories our gone even if we are reincarnated. But I still shove aside any possible idea or theory that a form of spirtual force exists that allows us to experience new lives, or an life after the present.
While Steven P tries to connect the term of Kharma in this arguement. Kharma is very similar to another scientific term, action and reaction. Every motion has creates a motion that coresponds to that action. Karma is, I beleive, half right. While if you do something bad, most of the times something bad would happen to you( ex. Jail ), but there are many exception where people got away completely unharmed. There are also those who do good, and still suffer painfully. The point I'm making is that even karma can't determine everything. Which makes you consider that it might not determine any sort of afterlife.
So in the end, I'm still going back original concept, dead is dead. No cycle or ways of returning and crossing over.
Well, that's all for now. Lost is on, so I'm out for tonight. =D
For once, I agree with Steven P and Steven N. I also agree with Gene. I'm not in the "writing mood" so whatever I say might be invalid. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteReincarnation is a highly skeptical topic. Truth is, it is all based on faith. Religion = Faith. But anyway; I have no idea on how to answer the first question. I'm just thinking that reincarnation looks like it was made up in a fairy tale. That was harsh but it's all in my opinion. It is hard to believe that if you die, you could be reincarnated into a giraffe, or a monkey, or a penguin (which wouldn't be bad...)Maybe I'm just being immature and ignorant.
Would I like to be reincarnated based on my behavior in this life? Well, of course! It's only fair. I think everyone in this blog posted something with Karma, so why bother restating it, but if it's for a grade, like what Steven said, Karma - you get what you deserve. If someone was "bad" in their past life, I think they would be reincarnated into something worthless, like a a fly, or a penny ;)
Karma, I think, makes sense in a way. What if someone is born in to a life of poverty, or if someone was born handicapped? They should deserve a life without those "things" and live the life that other people had. I mean, it is only fair.
Although I wish to make this blog response longer, my dinner is getting cold. Reincarnation seems like a cool idea, but, I don't think it is for me. As much as I want to believe in, I don't know, it just gives people a positive outcome when you die, almost something to look forward too.
That's my .02
Mhm. well i pretty much agree with everyone that posted. Justin when you said "It is hard to believe that if you die, you could be reincarnated into a giraffe, or a monkey, or a penguin (which wouldn't be bad...)" It reminded me of a question I had.
ReplyDeleteOk, so karma is you get what you deserve. right? but say a human was reincarnated into an animal, animals have killer instincts that they can't control (because survival is prime priority.) so if say, a monkey kills another monkey for food. Would that be considered a bad thing? Or if a monkey shares a banana, would it hold the same amount of meaning if a human shared a banana?
This is the way I think of it
Karma scale:
Human shares his/her only banana: +10 points
Monkey shares his/her only banana: +5 points
Human kills other human for food: -10 points
Monkey kills other monkey for food: -5 points
I dunno, maybe that's being immature, because they're the same action only they're performed by different species of animals. The way I think of it, humans are taught that doing something is morally wrong or right. So we (humans) have the background and an action would be more significant if we made the decision based on the morals and principles the person holds. A monkey on the other hand, was not taught morality and does not have any principles, so their deeds (in my opinion) mean much less than a humans.
Is this the way other people think about karma or is it just me?
I actually agree with you on that Steve. I love the whole points system!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'm being scientifically accurate, but aren't human minds, more advanced than any other specimens on the planet? And animals depend on instinct, like you said, they fight for survival. Humans on the other hand, are taught a more "sophisticated and just" manner.
But about the karma/reincarnation; I don't get how a human can be reincarnated into an animal. Like, that's saying, if you were born short, and you die, do you turn into a giraffe? It just seems odd.
well i think that turning into an animal thing just applies to the bad people in the world :3 but if they bad people are turned into animals then how are they supposed to return to being human if their actions don't have too much impact?!
ReplyDeleteHahaha exactly! It's more confusing than anything else really. And the last time I checked Steve, animals never return back into being human. Maybe I just misunderstood what you said. Please elaborate.
ReplyDeletelol fine xD
ReplyDeleteI mean that when a bad person dies and they are reincarnated into, say, a donkey, are they able to return to being human (after they die again, of course)? If so, how, because in my eyes the behavior of animals isn't based on morals, but on survival and paternal (hunting for children) instinct; so the deeds they do don't earn them points in karma. But in reality that isn't for me to decide, is it? :]
Now I got it. Well, I think animals are judged just like humans, in ways of behaviors of course. I know like a donkey, isn't exactly a good thing to be, but like here:
ReplyDeleteGood Life --> Bad life (animal perhaps?) --> Good Life.
Bad Life --> Good life --> bad life.
That is what I think, because I think in you're "second life", you get judged on how you were treated. Like if you were treated bad in your second life, then your next life will be filled with rainbows. Get me?
I was actually thinking the same thing. kinda. cuz when you're blessed by wealth you tend to abuse that wealth and become selfish and shun the rest of society away from you.... which is baaaaad karma. sooo your next life will probably be bad. but that life will learn that through poverty some of the greatest joys in life are found, like you rely on your family more and you realize that family is very important. And if you do become successful in that impoverished life you know what it is like to be poor so you'll probably help out other poor people
ReplyDeletebasically what you said Justin. I thought I was alone in thinking that xD
that's basically it. Great minds think a like.
ReplyDeletealright I'm out. ~1~
yarr. same here. nice convo xD
ReplyDeleteNice ideas, guys. First of all, let me respond to Lucas.
ReplyDelete"But I still shove aside any possible idea or theory that a form of spirtual force exists that allows us to experience new lives, or an life after the present."
We don't experience a new life. I agree that we only have one life. I, Steven Nunes, the physical human being, will eventually die. However, my soul is part of, what I believe, is a realm beyond our understanding and therefore has potential to take on different lives. This is, of course, extremely debatable. I agree with everything you said, Lucas. The human body is in fact a complex system. However, my thought expands further than what you acknowledge. As I said earlier, it just depends on how you define reincarnation.
I like your analogy of comparing humans to a computer. However, you didn't exactly mention how computers are made, you just simply mentioned the good things that a computer can do and how it works. I also can mention the good things a HUMAN can do and how it works. However, what about the programming involved in a computer? What about the essence behind the creation of computing? Who is our programmer? That is where I believe there is an answer which can't fully be grasped. This is where spiritual existence falls into place. Therefore, A computer can be repaired with the assistance of a higher being, beyond the virtual boundaries of its intelligence. This same system applies, in my opinion, to a human.
Justin, yea I totally understand what you're trying to say. This whole karma thing is really human-friendly, so to speak. It makes people aim towards good in society. There isn't much to say about it, really. It's a basic system that helps keep order generally speaking.
Steven, karma, in my opinion, can't be analyzed with human math, although it is a nice way of putting it for people to understand. I don't have any recollections of being a monkey, so I can't really answer that question. I would assume all animals deserve some level of respect similar to that of human. What evens it out is the level of intelligence. The higher your authority on Earth is, the more intelligent you are. Humans have a high level of authority and intelligence whereas flies have less authority, therefore less intelligence. Even humans, however, can't fully relate to a spiritual realm. It's an ongoing cycle of spiritual development, even past our physical human lives.
yea. actually steven i had a whole section on the whole idea of "Brahman" that i decided to cut from the post because it didn't really relate to the question. But it actually relates to what you're saying on the "ongoing cycle of spiritual development"
ReplyDeleteReincarnation is a fascinating subject, and I honestly dont believe it happens but i do think it would be cool. I personally do not believe in karma but the whole idea of how you acted, and what you did in your past life affects you in your future life is really awesome. It seems that if you were a good person that you get what you deserve in the future. I would like to believe in reincarnation but there is absolutely no proof that this happens, and i am the kind of person who needs proof. However this is not anything that shows it does not happen, so there is still some hope haha.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I also agree with the idea that God goes by many different physical names and "masks" yet it all is the same. Everyone is striving to find out this outer realm, and each religion is essentially doing the same thing. That is, searching for answers and connecting to their souls. Is it really too hard to realize that we're all referring to the same being, just using different human explanations to try and understand this.
ReplyDeleteGood job, guys. All blogs should be this deep. :]
Based on my religious beliefs, I am inclined to believe that reincarnation is not in any way real or possible. However, I do think that the idea of reincarnation is an interesting thought. If everyone believed that the setting of our next life is based on the way that we live at this point in time, there would not be as much sin going on in the world. People would be trying to live a much more wholesome life in hopes that it will set the stage for an even better life in the future. If I was reincarnated based on my life, I wouldn’t be upset since I know that I try my best to live a positive life.
ReplyDeleteAlright Great Nunes the Philosopher, its time for my response.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about that one life thing. But I think thats the end. I don't think any form of divine essence exists between us.
You are very right about how computers require programing and design by something else. I expect none the less from a great progamer like you. I would like to state that I meant to compare humans and computers in terms of function, rather then composition. I mean to say that they work the same way and are vry comparable. Our "programmer" is probability. We are the one in a billion- no, one in a google chance of random particle collisions that we able to bond with each other with a higher compatibility to connect. The particles became atoms, those atoms collided into molecules, those molecules collided into cells, which joined together into tissue, which became organs, which then functioned as systems. The brain is the most powerful and most complex of these systems. These collisions occured over countless billions of years. This is what pyshicists have determined and interperted over countless tests. Matter was always in existance and had just rearranged itself into different forms. If you are going to say "where did all this matter come from?" or something along those terms that relates to some divine spiritual pressence. Then let me say this. Where did this divine force come from? If you are to say that it has existed for countless time, then why couldn't matter have always been constant. If god(what I will be refering the divine force as) is always present or came from itself, what's to say that matter doesn't without any need for creation. It came into its own existance. I still say that there is no spiritual influence in the universe at all.
My definition of the spiritual realm, at the very, very basic essence, is the realm beyond human explanation. You stated: why can't matter have created itself? I agree this is possible, but how did it create itself? You can use fancy human vocabulary and explain how humans analyze a certain physical thing, but what I'm trying to do is look beyond that and understand that there's a level of imperfection in humanity that is indescribable and therefore we, as human "systems" cannot entirely reach. We look for perfection, or at least some source of guidance. Now, surely humans will continue to look for answers using science and math and all other human methods of solving stuff regarding physical matter. Does this mean that there is less and less of a spiritual existence the more advanced humanity gets? No, because we are complex functions, as you stated, and analyze things in our own ways. There is some basic programming behind all this though. I can program a function to analyze and check for certain data, similar to how humans analyze data that they encounter. I understand how human, physical life works. Plenty of information that is continuously being expanded. However, what is our origin. All I can say, in literal words, is that I'm not exactly given the data of who i am, yet I am given enough data to search for it. Therefore, all human processes you describe to me are true, and you know your science well, yet I'm trying to discuss something beyond that level of understanding.
ReplyDeleteLucas, I agree with you on one condition. You make it seem as though there is no religion at all and everything happened to connect "at the right place and time." If you interpret all events with that mindset then you explain everything with "coincidence." There isn't any sort of barrier separating Coincidence and Will of God, the scientist might say "that was just coincidence, everything just connected, like building blocks" while a Prophet would say "Make no mistake, that was the Will of God, it was an elaborate plan conceived by God himself in the beginning of time that all this would happen."
ReplyDeleteIn all honesty I prefer your side, Lucas, but you must also acknowledge the possibility of the existence of a God.
"It will only appear as a miracle to the witness with faith." -Jesus
That is all :D
Good point, Steven. We all have our opinions, which is just an example of humans striving for answers. I can't try and explain what my soul says to you, because I can only relate to the my own life. Therefore, we're all going to look at life a different way and Lucas' way is through human existence and attainable information. My way is simply to try and understand beyond my understanding, while still understanding human knowledge and development. A fact is merely an opinion all humans agree on and it all comes down to the understanding that you can't explain the inexplicable.
ReplyDeleteI feel you are belittling the human mind. Humanity's evolutionary capabilities are endless! I believe as we progress our ability to observe information can unravel the very secrets of the universe themselves! Uour right, we will never reach perfection, because perfection is something that does not exist. Being perfect means there is no way to better yourself; I feel that humans cam evolve to an endless capabilties that, always bettering their interpritation of knowledge with each step. You say that this spirtual realm is something beyond human comprehension, but I beleive that we can continue to advance ourselves to the point where the very nature of the universe is under our comprehension. And this is the end of our arguement. These are the values that each of us have set in stone for ourselves. Only time will tell the victor of this depate. Until the time comes, let us wait and speculate until death comes upon us. See you at school tommorrow. :P
ReplyDeleteYeah, it is true that "fact" is truly just an opinion that the majority of the people recognize as "the truth."
ReplyDeleteI wish i could keep talking but im super tired xD cya tomorrow!
it was interesting reading people's points of view. It was fun :]
Steven P, you are right. I am without faith. The odds for probability seem more plausible to me then any "will of a creator." I have taken into consideration the possibility of a divine force. But when face against the facts, I began to naturally rule it out that variable in this equation we call existance.
ReplyDeleteyea good point lucas. i agree with that xD computers were invented about 40 years ago. and we've come a looooong way with them. we've even landed a man on the moon! in 4 decades we've progressed farther than we have in 2 milleniums. pretty impressive stuff.
ReplyDeletei honestly do not know if i believe in reincarnation or not. I think it is actually very logical to believe in reincarnation because it answers some of those questions of how or why. Maybe psychics are reincarnated and somehow the remember something from their past or people who claim to see ghosts have some memory of what happened to the time before they are reincarnated. I believe the modern world has forced us to put everything in a scientific perspective and causes most people not to believe but maybe its all true and people are reincarnated.
ReplyDeleteEven though i do not know if i believe in reincarnation, i do not agree with some of the punishments reincarnation has. I do not think that a poor person is poor because he was a bad person and that he should not be helped.
-finally I can get on!!! sorry for gramatical errors(:
ReplyDelete-I honestly, do not believe in the process of reincarnation. don't get me wrong, reincarnation would be really cool, to come back as someone new. As Caitlin said, many people claim that purgatory is when you are reincarnated into a new human being to finish what you started. But if you really look at it, your soul; whether it goes to heaven, hell, or purgatory is a single soul. At the judgement day, you are judged before God. are you really going to be judged for two lives??
Stevens-- I really like your answers; it made me thinkk